China Geography Specialty Group

CGSG is a specialty group of the American Association of Geographers

China Geography Specialty Group   TIMELINE  (1953–)

1973 The Committee on Chinese Geography (CCG) was established within the AAG. W. Rhoads Murphey of the University of Michigan was elected to serve as the committee chair.

1979 China Geography Specialty Group was established in Philadelphia. Laurence J. C. Ma was elected Chair and Franklin Gossette, Secretary/Treasurer.

The mission of CGSG is to promote the study of the geography of China, including Taiwan, and to serve as a clearinghouse of information for persons interested in Chinese geography. To increase contacts with Chinese geographers and encourage professional activities, including the development of research projects (China Geography Specialty Group Mission Statement).

Today as more and more geographers engage in global and regional studies, the specialty group has expanded significantly and continues to support professional activities to promote communications, interactions, and collaborations among all geographers interested in China and beyond. In the past decade, the specialty group recorded some of the highest membership growth rates.

CGSG & Member  News

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CGSG Plenaries & Events

All CGSG Plenaries, 2015 – 

Stay Tuned for the Annual CGSG Plenary and Sponsored Sessions at the AAG Annual Meeting


This website is updated and maintained by student and faculty volunteers with staff support from Michigan State University.  Due to the nature of volunteer work, the website is infrequently updated, limited to once every year.

Please contact the current CGSG officers or chair if you have any question.

All CGSG sites since 2015 designed and created by Guo Chen at Michigan State University